Monday, July 30, 2018

Moving the highway

Rock the Arts was the biggest of several events happening last weekend. I have nothing to report because I was out of town visiting family this past weekend.

On the way out of town I noticed that work on US 231 at the Mount Calvary Road had begun. There is a little stretch of the highway that was not resurfaced a couple years ago because the plans were to move the highway a few feet to the east, improving visibility of traffic crossing or entering the highway from the west. On Monday work continued and while I was there a couple dump trucks dropped loads of crushed stone to build up a base for the moved road.
 Stone was already in place to the south of Mt. Calvary road.
 I also noticed piles of windmill blades north of Tri-County School. They will be used for turbines in either White or Benton County.

The Japanese beetles have been terrible this year. Basswood trees are one of their favorite foods. Below is a picture of a basswood in Potawatomie Park showing how damaging the beetles are to this tree.

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