Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ten years

Ten years ago I posted the first entry on Rensselaer Adventures. It was about flowers and the end of summer. You can see it here.

There are some posts that are dated earlier, but they were copied from an earlier blog I had and then dated September 5. (Blogger lets one do that.) I noted the ten-year anniversary of blogging on June 28.

Below is a picture from the County GIS site showing land owned by Farm Credit. Except for the bit of land on which its office sits, it was transferred to Farm Credit from Saint Joseph's College on September 14. I am pretty sure there is a mistake on the map. It shows that the drive to Drexel Hall and the land on which Drexel Hall sits was transferred to Farm Credit but the two tracts of farm land south of Drexel Hall remain with Saint Joe's. I suspect Farm Credit has the farm land and SJC still has Drexel Hall.
At one time SJC owned all the land from Walmart to Conagra. Except for some undeveloped lots on the road that the City recently built, it has all been sold.

Someone on a Facebook thread said the County would benefit by having the land put back on tax rolls. The farm land has been taxed for years. Only the main campus is tax exempt.

In other news, the pool is being painted and work continues on the new dog park.


  1. Congrats on your 10-year anniversary of Rensselaer Adventures! I never knew there were so many meetings in Rensselaer until you started posting. And so much business turnover. It's been great keeping up-to-date with what's happening. Thanks!

  2. Not sure I understand why St. Joe's farmland was transferred to Farm Credit prior to the auction. Perhaps to minimize the impactive of capital gains, etc? Wonder if it safe to assume that proceeds of the land auctions(s) (good/bad, or otherwise) would result in direct reduction of St. Joe's debt with Farm Credit?

  3. It was transferred as part of their settlement that apparently has allowed them to forestall foreclosure.

  4. Congratulations on 10 years, Bob. I still jump to this to see what's up. It very informative, very efficient, and all sort of organic. Nicely entrepreneurial of you. (Maybe Schumpeter-ian?)


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