Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Odds and ends for the end of May

I had a quiet Memorial Day weekend. Summer seems to have finally arrived and I am late this year in doing the various things needed with the change in seasons.

I harvested some rhubarb from my back yard and noticed a rhubarb leaf that had its only mini-leaf growing from it. I do not recall seeing that before.
I visited the Farmers Market on Saturday and found only five vendors and none of them were selling garden produce. It is not too early for lettuce, radishes, and rhubarb. Maybe our wet weather has delayed planting of gardens as it has delayed farm planting.

I am trying to finish planting my garden before the weeds take over. Most of the fields around Rensselaer seem to still be unplanted. Some of them are full of yellow flowers that I believe are butterweed.

Late last week I went back to see the progress of the bridge replacement on SR 114 just east of I-65. The hole is much bigger. (You can see Kentucky Fried Chicken in the background.)
 Below is a view from a slightly different angle. I was hoping to see a new bridge or culvert that was partly constructed, not just a big hole.
 There are a couple of large pumps on the site. They may not be big enough for all the water in the ditch.
The data from the USGS water gauge on the Iroquois River shows that this has been a wet spring. Usually we are drying out by this time of the year but the trend is not down so far. The graph below shows the past 60 days. The little orange triangles show median flow and the blue shows what has happened this year.

On Saturday I noticed part of a tree down in Weston Cemetery. It was by the turn of the road near the top of the hill.
 Earlier in the week there was another large branch down and it had knocked over one of the tombstones. It was cleaned up by Saturday.
The Memorial Day ceremonies on Monday were well attended. The Mayor gave a nice speech.
I did not see any water in the pool on Monday and I have not seen any announcement for an opening date. However, the splash pad in Remington is now open for the season.

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