Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rain, rain, and more rain

The rains continue. The grass loves this weather.

On Wednesday the Park started filling the pool and it should open next week. Also on Wednesday the park got a new structure, a storage shed that sits on the concrete pad by the soccer field in Brookside Park.
I have noticed several bits of construction/destruction around town. Highway 114 was milled from Washington Street to Grace Street early this week. The railroad has made cuts in the pavement on their rail crossings so they are planning something. I peeked into the old Horton Building and saw that they have torn out the old plaster and lath. The house at 224 N Weston has been demolished. The property was purchased by the Methodist Church in February. Sayler Rentals is advertising the availability of new apartments and I suspect that these are the units that have been under construction on Elza Street.

I missed the first part of the City Council meeting on Tuesday because of a conflicting obligation. I arrived after the agenda items had been discussed and the discussion regarding the purchase by the City of 40+ acres near the waste water treatment plant was concluding. The City is buying this land for future water wells.  The Board of Works meeting that proceeded the Council meeting approved an employment offer for the Police Department for a person who currently is an officer at the County Jail. The Council vented their disapproval of the barricade on SR 114 that is near Brookside Park. The complaint is that forcing the westbound traffic into the eastbound lane creates a hazard.

After the meeting I heard that the rainy weather has delayed completion of the bridge or culvert replacement just to the east of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The crew needs lower water in the ditch before it can continue.

Jasper County Economic Development Organization announced a new director of tourism.

Indiana Dunes is now a national park. I suspect little will change but the new designation should make it more visible to potential visitors.

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