Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mural week 2020, Tuesday update

A lot of paint has been applied to walls since yesterday's post. Also, each artist now has a banner with his or her name on it. You cannot see the name in the picture below because it is facing the building, but the name is Allison Bamcat.
Mister Toledo is doing the mural on the JCEDO building. 
Just started this afternoon is a painting on the opposite wall. I do not know if it is also by Mister Toledo or a new artist.
Alex Ann Allen is working on the rays that will surround a face.
The artist painting the wall of the County Annex building is Nick Smith. 
The hands surrounding a heart is by Mitchell Austin, who signs with Metabyte.
The green girl is the work of Max Sansing. It looks like there will be a second face.
Ricky Watts has started coloring the sketch he made on the back of the fitness center.
Christine Riutzel works mostly with brushes, not spray paint.
It is remarkable how much some of these works change in just a couple of hours.

The name on the banner for this wall is Pawn
Keeping his distance from the other artists, Caesar Perez is painting the face on the Unique Finds building.
I saw Cameron Moberg as I was taking pictures and asked if he would do a mural. He said right now he was too busy curating but he and others may do one on a wall that surprised me. It would be very visible.

In unrelated news, the shelter closest to the pool at Brookside Park has a new name and signage. Jimmy McFall's drowning death spurred the community to finance and build the pool. He was featured on the Weston Cemetery walk in 2018 and the research done for that presentation may have contributed to this  new name.

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