Monday, June 29, 2020

The start of RENARTWLK murals, 2020

Mural week has begun and artists are busy in the alleys downtown. Starting from the north and going south, the wall of the future JCEDO office has been prepared by getting black paint.

On the other side of the alley, a sketch has been started on the County Annex building.

The back of the Republican building has a bird sketched on it.
In the morning a woman artist was sketching on the little white structure on the other side of the alley.

A few hours later she had started painting.
On Sunday evening the artist with who did the bird on the alley side of eMbers had started his painting. I was not sure what it was so I asked.
If I had waited until this morning I would not have had to ask.
Crossing Van Rensselaer Street and going to the middle of the block gets us to another cluster of murals being started. One wall was being prepared with a coat of black paint.
The back of the old Murray building has some sketches on it.
Two other walls were had pictures further along.
I stopped by a few hours later and the face was green.
Roses and 3-D glasses?
One other mural is underway, this on the alley next to Unique finds.
I look forward to see how they change during the next few days.

On Saturday Rensselaer got a heavy downpour. My rain gauge says we got two and a half inches in about an hour. However, the northern part of the County did not get much so the river rose only a few feet. Kentland and southern Newton County got at least five inches from the storms and many roads there were closed.

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