Saturday, June 27, 2020

Odds and ends, June 27 2020

Next week is mural week in Rensselaer.  This past week was mural week in Remington where Cameron Moberg painted the mural below on the IGA store.
I am very impressed with his ability to do lettering with a spray can.

MainStreet Rensselaer has put up signage for the RENARTWLK.

There have been a number of changes at Brookside Park this week. A walking path is being constructed between the old Roth Field and one of the new ballfields. Part of the path will use the outer part of the tennis court, which extends to the ball field fence. The path connects Roth Field with the new ballfields.
 The ball field fences are being finished. You can see the new mesh in the picture above on the right fence. Also, work on the parking lot has begun. A row of evergreen trees was cut down the past week.

The pool finally opened on Thursday. In the past I would go most days for a fifteen minute swim, but that becomes ridiculously expensive without season passes.
 SR 114 from downtown to the Interstate was milled this past week.
SJC released another newsletter.  The bit I found most interesting was, "A new HVAC system is being installed in the Core building.  Once completed the Core building will be removed from the aging complex boiler system and will make it a stand-alone building."

The corn crop seems to be behind where it usually is for this time of the year, but with the rain perhaps it will catch up in the next couple of weeks.

The Bridge church in Rensselaer plans to have fireworks for the Fourth of July.

The Prairie Arts Council has a new exhibit, but it is not at the Fendig Gallery. Instead it is on-line as a Youtube video.

Finally, here is an unofficial page for the Weston Cemetery Walk. It is mostly intended to display past programs for the event.

1 comment:

  1. Another artist did the lettering with a brush.


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