Rensselaer Adventures

This blog reports events and interesting tidbits from Rensselaer, Indiana and the surrounding area.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A new superintendent

Some pictures

On Monday evening  I noticed new forms for concrete on the north side of Filson Park.

The stage structure is looking good.

The new lights along Van Rensselaer Street are in use.

This was Harrison Street over the weekend.

Can you see what is missing in this picture taken of SJC from near the bowling alley?
The fence is gone. Perhaps now that the bleachers have been removed, the insurance company no longer requires the fencing.

Several days ago the Rensselaer VFW announced on Facebook that it was closing its doors due to lack of participation. Then there was a followup post saying that maybe enough people were stepping up so they could continue. Read about this on their Facebook page.

Park Board meeting

The Rensselaer Park Board usually meets only once a month but had a second August meeting when it met Monday evening at 5:00 at the old light plant. The main item on the agenda was Mayor Phillips' reassignment of positions. He had decided to replace Joe Effinger with Heather Hall as Park Superintendent. He had previously appointed Mr Effinger to the position of Weston Cemetery Caretaker and Effinger will retain that position. However, the Mayor needed Park Board approval to the change the Park Superintendent. Only three Board members were present, a bare quorum. There were a number of questions about the transition, including how accounting and other paperwork issues would be handled. There was also discussion of what changes would be needed or desired to make the old light plant a suitable Park headquarters. The current bathroom may not be sufficient and the building should be made ADA compliant. The City is including an extra $100,000 in next year's budget to help make these changes as well as repair the sidewalk in front of the building. Mrs Hall said she would like to see the building used as a recreation center. Perhaps the remodeled building will encourage cooperative programming with the Library. There are many details that have to be worked out and there will be learning by doing. After a lot of discussion, all three members present voted to accept the change in the superintendent.

The meeting continued but about half of the people present, including the old and new park superintendents, left for the City Council meeting which started at 6:00. There had been plans for a tour of the light plant to see what changes were needed or planned, but that did not take place.

Here are some pictures I took of the inside of the building. The first is looking to the north. The area behind the wall will also be used by the park department.

Some of the stuff that was needed for the generators will probably be left to remind people of what the building used to be.
The main door has stairs on the outside and the inside. One walks up the stairs to the door, and walks down another set of stairs. What were the architects thinking when they designed this?

City Council meeting

The Rensselaer City Council met at 6:00 on Monday evening. Its first item of business was to move about $72,000 from this year's budget to next year's budget. It also approved a couple of transfers of funds. It approved spending $5,000 for consultants to review City policies and procedures to make sure they are current with State and Federal regulations. The Council approved the Electric Utility signing an interdepartmental agreement with the Park Department concerning use of the light plant and responsibility for utility bills. (The Park Board wanted more time to consider the agreement.) 

The City has been in discussion with CSX and Amtrak about paving the area around the depot and closing the Scott Street railroad crossing. Final details have not been worked out and the Council opted to delay a vote on the matter.

The Council approved paying invoice #5 of $145,566.90 from Grimmer Construction for work on the Brick Street project. It also gave the Gas Utility permission to prepay $13468 for gutters and downspouts for its building. New squad cars for the Police Department have been ordered. Five employees have recently received CDL licenses.

Parking-lot art

I am a little late this year with the painted parking lot spaces at the high school.

Speaking of the high school, the students have a new website, The Bomber Bunker.


Anonymous said...

Who owns the property at SJC? And Who was paying the insurance? 13k for gutters and downspouts seem a little pricey?

Dessert Survivor said...

Saint Joe's owns the SJC property and they pay the insurance. The reason people are not allowed on campus is to reduce insurance liability.