Rensselaer Adventures

This blog reports events and interesting tidbits from Rensselaer, Indiana and the surrounding area.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Back to meetings (updated)

 On the way to the Commissioners' meeting on Monday morning I noticed activity at the SJC football field. I could not see that any of the bleachers had been removed, but suspected that this was the day that the start of the take-down would happen. It rained while the meeting was in progress, and I could not see any progress made that morning.

However, on Tuesday morning part of the bleachers had been removed and by the end of the day I understand pretty much all of it was gone. Here are some pictures from Tuesday.

From another angle.
The sections being removed were laid out east of the field. They will be reassembled at Faith Christian School in Lafayette.

The pictures are not very good because the no-trespassing signs kept me from getting closeer.

Commissioners' meeting

The meeting was fairly routine. There were six buried cable requests, most from Remington or Carpenter Township and all bores for internet cable. All were approved. The voting centers for the general election in November will be at the same locations as they were for the primary election. For that election the center at the Fairgrounds Fire Station was replaced with one at the armory. Community Corrections received permission to replace two employees. Community Corrections currently has 25 males and two females at the facility and about 25 on home detention.

The Auditor received approval to spend $4000 for software that will reduce paperwork for the submission of claims. The Commissioners approved a rezone from A1 to A2 in Barkley Township that had been recommended by the Plan Commission. There was a discussion of a proposed Forensic Center that the Coroner wants. The County Attorney suggested that a way to move forward would be to make a request for proposals and the Commissioners directed him to prepare that for their August 19 meeting.

BP has informed the County that there will be no test well in 2024. There was a discussion on a suggestion to renew the striping on a road near a KV school and the Commissioners approved a contractor to do the work. The Highway Department has finished chip and sealing 50 miles of road. There was a discussion of improving a storage barn at the Highway Department with a concrete floor so it could be used for more purposes. Commissioner DeYoung will work on getting quotes.  

INDOT is beginning a grant program to fund small safety projects and the Highway Department and others will brainstorm what projects would meet the requirements of this program. The Commissioners need to take action on a solar ordinance in their August 18 meeting and will do so.. The Commissioners received a quick update from the Jasper County Trails Club, which has finished a master plan with the aid of Kimley-Horn. It will be presented at the second August meeting. 

The meeting was continued to August 19 at 8:30.

Drainage Board meeting

The Jasper County Drainage Board meeting followed the Commissioners' meeting. The Board approved a drainage plan prepared for the SJC Building & Trades subdivision. It will drain into the private ditch behind the subdivision that flows to Lake Banet. The proposed streets will not cause a significant change in runoff.

One of the cable requests that was approved in the Commissioners' meeting will cross some ditches. The crossings were approved. The George A Hart tile is largely in White County but includes about 200 acres in Jasper County. The White County Surveyor requested that Jasper County waive its rights so that he can plan a complete reconstruction. The Drainage Board declined because they want to know what the numbers will be before the Jasper County property owners are billed.  

The compliance manager that the County hired to look over the proposed SolarPak solar farm said that the plan appears to be in compliance with County regulations and recommended that the company be allowed to proceed pending State permits. The matter will be on the September agenda.

Rensselaer Redevelopment Commission meeting

At the start of its meeting on Monday evening, the Rensselaer Redevelopment Commission approved claims and heard an update on the miniature train proposal. Zager Architecture will be developing the plans for the exhibit. In new business the Commission discussed a proposal to rewrite the Drexel/Fairground Economic Development Plan. It has had multiple amendments and the State Board of Accounts had questions whether the money being spent was allowed by the current EDP. The matter was tabled.

The Commission acknowledged receipt of a phase 1 environmental report on the property on the corner of Clark and Cullen. The Commission would like the City to purchase what remains of the building and tear it down in hopes that a clean property would be more attractive to a developer. The property in the past has had gas pumps and has been used for a laundry.

They ratified a poll that approved hiring Baker Tilley to develop a residential TIF district that could be used to finance the paving an unfinished section of 7th Street north of the Van Rensselaer School. There will be many steps taken before that TIF district can be finalized.

The Gas Department wants to put a gas line under I-65 when the water and sewer utilities cross the Interstate and would like to finance it through the Redevelopment Commission. The Commission approved the Gas Department getting an engagement letter with an engineering firm, a first step in the process.

Rensselaer Park Board meeting

The Rensselaer Park Board met Monday evening. They began with a discussion of the proposal to bring a miniature train back to Rensselaer. The original plan by Mr Whaley has been altered because it obstructed the view of the playground in Foundation Park, so the façade of the old depot will be replaced with a smaller sign. The Board approved a design contract with Zager Architects. The cost of the design will be paid by the Parks which will then be reimbursed by the Redevelopment Commission.

There is a softball tournament scheduled for Blacker Fields on Oct 5-6. The Board approved spending $7000 for mulch for the playgrounds in Iroquois and Columbia Parks. There was a discussion about problems with the air conditioner at the Blacker Fields. It is poorly placed with a fence too close to the unit. There was another discussion of pickle ball, which has become so popular that there are wait times for the courts. One idea to alleviate the congestion is to convert the old tennis courts into four pickle ball courts. The Board passed a motion to get quotes for the asphalt and fencing needed to  make the conversion. There are no funds currently available for the project, but perhaps a grant might be obtained or it may represent a sponsorship opportunity.

Odds & ends

Replacing the bricks on Van Rensselaer Street continues. The date for substantial completion is September 30.

Local Schools start Thursday. The last weekday for LaRue Pool is Wednesday but it will be open the 10th and 11th. 

The length of day for August 7 in Rensselaer is 14 hours and 8 minutes. We will lose a hour of daylight by the end of the month.

August has many species of plants blooming with flowers that look like yellow daisies. The one below is Silphium perfoliatum, commonly known as Cup Plant.

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