Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday morning jog (updated)

I got up rather late on Thursday and had to decide where I wanted to run for my morning exercise. I thought of running out to the airport to see how construction was going there, but that is a four mile run and my legs felt tired. I decided instead to see how construction on Melville was going. Along the way I saw a lot of other things.

First I saw that the Building Trades students were working on the sub-floor (I hope it is sub-floor--it is particle board) on the house on Warner. It looks like the house will sit behind its garage.
I noticed that remodeling continues on the building near the Amtrak Station that used to be a tattoo parlor. I wonder if it is being renovated to be residential or an office. Also, the big crane was missing from the elevator. I will do a post on that next week because I have a lot of picture.

When I got to Melville, I saw two bucket trucks from TV cable working on something. Yesterday there were bucket trucks from the city working on lines. I suspect that many of these poles will be relocated as a result of street work.
The concrete pipes have been delivered and an excavator was working in the street. For a couple of days after the project began, the road was still passable, but now it is not.They workers had dug a deep hole at the end of Merritt. I suspect that the storm sewers will dump into the ditch that is just north of the Eger substation. That would make more sense than to route it south to the river, but we will see what happens.

I even got my nature shot for the day, an emerging cicada on the black fencing that was erected to outline the outer boundry of the project.
Turning west, I was very surprised to see major digging at the intersection of Merritt and US 231, just to the north of the new dermatologist office. I mentioned this lot here as being for sale and rather pricey. Something must have been stored there in the past, and the activity was to remove whatever that was. It reminded me of a demolition earlier this year.
It looks like most of the property was being dug up. The dirt was piled on plastic sheets, perhaps because it had to be taken away and disposed of in some special way? There was a truck from Hydro Tech Environmental Consulting and Engineering and another truck for liquid waste disposal.
I am sure there is at least a mildly interesting story here
Across the street there were two guys on the roof of Jackson Monuments. Writing of roofs, I saw quite a few metal roofs being installed this summer. I suspect the number of metal roofs in Rensselaer almost doubled this year and is now in double digits.
Usually I see one or two interesting things when I run in the morning. Thursday was unusually full of things.

Update: On Friday morning dump trucks were bringing loads of crushed limestone to fill in the hole. I liked the way the excavator was working at an angle--I do not recall seeing that before.

I wonder what they will do with the contaminated soil.


  1. The area where they are digging was once an oil company. I imagine there is dirt there.

    Love your blog!

  2. Some that people that constructing some building or a making a house that have a second floor are using bucket trucks in the higher areas and digger derrick trucks in digging.


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