Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some pictures without much of a story

It has been about a month since I posted about construction at the high school--it does not seem that long. On October 11 a form of scaffolding was being used to put up a cement-block wall.
The bricks for the brick outer layer that will follow are already in the parking lot.
There was a big hole at the top of the building but it was hard to see what was in there.
A week later (Oct 18) the scaffolding was near the top of the building, and workers were applying a coat of something black to the lower part of the cement blocks.
Another construction (destruction?) site that was mentioned in mid September was along McKinley where about eight feet of soil had been removed around a small building. The picture below is from September 28 and it shows limestone has been dumped into the hole.
On October 11 the hole was mostly filled again.

On Saturday (Oct 17) a bulldozer was smoothing the dirt and someone coming on the site would never know that it had been largely dug out a few weeks earlier.

By Sunday morning they had put in a crushed-stone road. There are some white pipes sticking out of the ground as evidence that something happened here.

Hopefully the pictures tell a story, because I have very little to add.

1 comment:

  1. The McKinley Ave. address used to be the site of the Marathon Oil Co. Bulk Plant.


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