Monday, November 2, 2009

Late October Potpourri

As October leaves, kids gather up bags of candy. I gathered up a bunch of pictures.

The Melville Street construction project shows progress. North of Maple Street the first layer of asphalt has been laid.
But if you turned around and looked south, all you saw as a muddy mess. However, the conduits seem to be installed, so this mess should not be there very long.
According to several announcements, Halloween saw the last farmers market of the season. There were four vendors when I stopped by, including one who found a way to keep warm and celebrate the day at the same time.
There is a sign up in the building shown below, which had been the Artisan Gallery. The sign on the door says that it will reopen sometime this month as The Willow Switch. It promises home decor and gifts, including window treatments, table linens, rugs, lamps, florals, iron accessories, primative furniture, stationary, candles, tart warmers, wall prints, signs, enamelware, books, and more. Plus, a gourmet coffee bar is in the plans.
Down the block mystery remodeling is underway.
One of the people I work with told me that I should mention the building on the other side of the street that looks like it needs some remodeling. I told her I probably would not do that, but I took the picture and here it is. Are you happy now, Linda?
This sign has appeared on a building that is undergoing extensive renovation. If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you know where it is.
Saint Joseph's College was celebrating Halloween with the last home football game of the season. The band took advantage of the situation to have some fun by dressing in Halloween costumes.
In the photo below you can see some ghouls and one guy who just did not get into the Halloween spirit. One guys seems to be in pink pajamas. I do not know what the two guys in white are supposed to be.
The girl dressed as a pumpkin was creative. The girl dressed up as a college student--not so much.
The last home game is senior day for the band and the dance team. Each senior was introduced and got a rose from the president of the college. There were a lot of them--it will be hard to replace both the number and the talent.
After the halftime show, I talked to a band member who was running around complaining that he was freezing in his costume. He had not realized that he needed to put several layers of clothing on underneath the costume. With enough layers, you can tolerate just about any temperature.

Last week they band stayed warm in the winter uniforms. They looked nice, but the Halloween costumes were more entertaining.
Finally, I found the inflatable below on Saturday morning, after I had posted the Happy Halloween post. It deserved to be included. It also looks a bit like some of the band members shown above.
By Sunday afternoon some houses had taken down their Halloween decorations and begun to put up their Christmas decorations. Is that a sign that fall is over and that winter is here?

1 comment:

  1. I think the best costume was the one who dressed as the great economist Paul Krugman!!!!! Anyway one in pink was the pink panther and another was swine flu. There was also a cotton sheep and Caesar. Where's the "Phonz" and what about the deplorable field conditions on which these youngsters marched?


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