Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grand opening or re-opening

On Tuesday both the Laundry Room and Sister Act Hair Salon and Day Spa had grand openings. They are both located at 105 E Drexel Drive.
The Laundry Room was celebrating the installation of four tanning beds. Three are recliners and one is a stand-up unit. I did not see the latter because it was in use. I asked one of the ladies if the 10% tanning tax in the new Health Care bill might be a problem, but she said she knew nothing about it.
When I went next door to Sister Act, the receptionist looked at me kind of funny, wondering why I was there. (I have gotten used to people looking at me funny--it is a common occurrence.) If it had been April Fools Day I would told her that I was there for a body wax, but instead I just said I was nosing around and wanted to see how they were doing.

Sister Act had been located in downtown Rensselaer and was celebrating their re-opening in their new location. They said that  they were doing a much better business in their new location.

I liked the way their new space had been decorated.

I had to take a picture of this odd looking contraption. It is for foot care--the cosmetologists will do something to your feet. (I was clearly out of my element in this place, but I tried not to let it show too much. I probably was not very successful about that.)
There was also more going on in the back, including some cookies and refreshments. One other thing in the back was a booth for a spray on tan. So if you want a real tan, you can go to the Laundry Room, but if you prefer to have a removable tan, Sister Act is the place to visit.

I asked how many beauty shops are in Rensselaer and was told that no one can count that high. It is actually hard to tell because some people work part time from their houses and may not advertise much for new customers, so trying to list them would be a challenge. I have thought about trying to find them all, but I am not that desperate for things to write about. Yet.

By the way, The Laundry Room has a Facebook fan page here and Sister Act has a Facebook fan page here.

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