Thursday, August 19, 2010

Penultimate Tuesday night farmers' market

Next week we will have the last Tuesday night farmers' market, and the added attraction will be the auctioning of the Chamber of Commerce rocking chairs.

This past Tuesday there was live dulcimer music and demonstrations of painting.
I talked to some of the people who are the driving forces behind some of our community events about Art in the Alley and found that this year there will be no event. There were some additional obstacles this year and they had lost some of the people who had worked very hard in the past, so they decided not to do it. However, Oktoberfest is still on the calendar, though I am not sure what the date is.

Update: Oops--I was wrong. There is another Tuesday night Farmers' Market planned for August 31, to the title is inappropriate. I wonder if this last one was a late addition.

1 comment:

  1. OktoberFest is the first Saturday of October. Please encourage all to come downtown on the bricks to have a wonderful evening.


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