Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Construction odds and ends

I had been told by a reliable source that this week we might see some foundations poured at the elementary school construction site on Melville, so this morning I went out to see what was happening. I did not see any foundations being put in, but it seems that they have finally stopped moving dirt around. There are stakes in the ground marking something--maybe where foundations will go?
On the way there I passed Superior Sales and Service, the bike shop. Yesterday I had stopped in to inquire about a bike repair and was surprised to learn that it has a new owner. Scott Donnelly has retired.

I always take pictures when I see guys working on the railroad, but I do not always use them. They were grinding the rails at the switch. It must have been causing problems.
Less photogenic but more interesting was a bulldozer on the lot just south of the city substation on Melville. (On maps it seems that this substation is not inside city borders. Am I misreading the map?) This lot is part of the Lintner Industrial Park, west of the big State of Indiana complex. Anyone know anything about plans for the site?
The third pump for the lift station arrived this morning, and by chance I passed by just as the workers were pushing it into the building. They had it on some kind of lift, so it slid in quickly and easily. You can see one of the old motors and one of the old pumps next to the fence.

At SJC the work on the smokestack seems to have been completed--the platform is gone. I expected them to continue whatever it was that they were doing to the top of the chimney all the way to the ground, but they did not.

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