Saturday, July 7, 2012

Car day

Today (Saturday) had a lot of scheduled events and I was curious about how the heat wave would affect them. I visited the Jasper Count Airport a bit before 11:00 to see the EAA Chapter 828 Fly In. There were only four planes parked by the office building. I thought the little plane with the propeller on the back was worth a picture.
While not much seemed to be happening at the airport, there was a lot of activity at the fairgrounds. It was cleanup day, a day to get the grounds ready for the fair that will start in a week. The large group of people in the stands of the show arena had been busy working and now were ready for lunch. If you are trying to figure out exactly from where this photo was taken, you probably have not been to the fairgrounds recently. There is now a roof over the space between the show arena and the swine barn to its north.
 My next stop was the JC Cruiser car show in Brookside Park. This van looked strange enough for me to stop and take a closer look. Its tag said it was a 1964 Chevy Greenbriar van.
 There seemed to be fewer cars than in previous years, though some arrived after I left. When I was there, the sun-drenched middle of the field was still empty.
 I wanted to go to the Mustang Roundup, but the heat was too much for me.

In mid-afternoon a couple of small showers popped over Rensselaer and gave us some much needed rain (about half an inch at my house) and the clouds stopped the heating from the sun. By the time Cruise Night began, there was a breeze from the north and the humidity had dropped, making conditions bearable.

There seemed to be fewer cars this year, but the crowd was about the same as in the past.
 The newly crowned fair queen and her court made their appearance.

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