Thursday, November 1, 2012

Centipedes and ribbons and sugar and....

Halloween and October are gone. Some of my non-Rensselaer relatives served a very creative Halloween supper that included big centipedes. How scary!
 This morning there was a ribbon cutting for Jazzman's, the coffee shop at Saint Joseph's College. The fact that they had a ribbon cutting says that they would welcome customers who are not students. The little cafe and bakery is on the south side of Halleck Center, on the floor with the ballroom.
They had some delicious treats for those who attended the the ribbon cutting. I got more than my daily dose of sugar. I cannot vouch for the coffee--I never developed a taste for it.
Back in downtown Rensselaer I noticed that the photographer who had been next to the SPAW on West Washington had vacated the premises. I stopped in the SPAW to learn what had happened and learned that the business, Samantha Bachorski Photography, had moved around the corner. It was still next to the SPAW, but on the Cullen street side, where The Journey recently stopped.
The store that has no name still has no name.

The SJC play, Much Ado about Nothing, opens tonight. Tomorrow Kentland Bank has an 8oth anniversary celebration at the Rensselaer branch. This weekend daylight savings time ends--time will fall back. Finally, the Jasper County Economic Development Corporation has a new website (or maybe it is just a new look):

1 comment:

  1. I love the centipedes. Your family must always be a riot. I like your humor.


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