Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Open on a blustery fall day

I did not think I would have anything at all to post today. Yesterday I took a picture of machines moving dirt at the construction site for the new Tractor Supply store, and I rather liked the fact that I got a combine that was harvesting the field north of the site in the picture. But that did not seem like much of a post.
 However, this afternoon I finally ventured out into the cold wind and found that the newly relocated H&R Block office was open. It is only open one day a week now because it is a seasonal business, very busy from January until May, and then pretty quiet the rest of the year. The office was mostly put together.
The downtown merchants are planning a shopping event on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and though H&R Block has nothing to sell, it will host a couple of people who do. So if you want to check their new office, that might be a good opportunity.

As I was checking out progress on the Court House roof (the Rensselaer Republican reported that it might be finished by the end of November), I noticed that the pool hall was now open.

Passing through the College Square Mall, which is no longer owned by Hamstra but rather by Cross Property Management, I noticed that the business going into the previous Sears store site had an "open" sign on the door.
It will become a coffee shop/resale shop, though the coffee shop part will be more than just a coffee shop, offering some food items that I do not associate with a coffee shop. The emphasis will be on healthy food. The coffee shop part of the business is now open.
The resale shop, which will be called Re-Shop, should be ready to go in a couple of weeks. The hold up is computer software--the plan is to tag each item with a current price and also lower prices that will take effect if the item sits on the shelf too long. So if you see something you like but think it is too expensive, you will be able to wait and get it at a lower price if someone else does not buy it first. The store will accept consignments, but there are no plans to offer clothing or electronics. The emphasis will be on decorative items.

The owner has ambitious plans for this business and I hope they all come to fruition.

Finally, the medical office under construction along Drexel Drive has its outer shell mostly complete. Notice the gray sky. The picture could not capture the strong north wind--our participation in what was Hurricane Sandy.

Update: The Morocco Times reports that Morocco has a new business: The Butt Stop. It offers tobacco, pop, candy, and movies.

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