Saturday, December 29, 2012

Some highlights from 2012

In the past year I have had over 200 posts (a real slowdown from 2009 when I had over 500). It is always fun to look back over the past year for some highlights. Of course, what one person considers important another may consider unimportant, but here were some of the things that I either spent a lot of time watching or I had a lot of fun watching/doing.

The sewer project to the Interstate was one of the big construction projects of the year. My best post on it was in February.  Another substantial utility project was the ongoing renovation of the water treatment plant, but because most of the work was inside, I never did get a post that I really liked.

In summer and fall I checked progress on the pedestrian bridge project and the re-roofing of the court house nearly every day and I mentioned both may times. I was there when the bridge was finally placed. Late in the year there were quite a few posts about the construction of the new Tractor Supply store.

There were three open houses that were noteworthy. In June the public was invited to see the new wing of the Jasper County Hospital. In July there was a groundbreaking ceremony for the Pig Adventure that will open north of Rensselaer in 2013. It was one of those events I would never have attended if not for this blog. And in August there was an open house for the new primary school. That opening meant the closing of the Monnett School, which was also the subject of several posts and promises to provide material for more posts in 2013.

If I wanted to include something from the college, it would probably be the wind farm excursion I took in September even though that is in White County, not Jasper.

Are there things that happened in Rensselaer that should make this list? The Rensselaer Republican usually publishes their lists of key events from the year and it will be a lot different from this summary.


  1. Congratulations on your Rensselaer Adventures posts. You really do see Rensselaer as a place for some adventure. It is the day to day way that you notice big and little changes. I thank you for that. We are lucky in so many ways to have a city with people who care about its healthy way of life, clean city streets and yards, caring for its old and new structures of home, business, and industry. We need to continue to celebrate its uniqueness and its pleasant advantages.

  2. I wholeheaertedly agree with Anonymous #1. Too bad we don't have a local paper with the cajones, or desire to do the important stories that might take some effort!!!


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