Saturday, March 22, 2014

Odds & ends 3-22-2013 (Pictures added)

I was reminded how unpleasant driving on east-west roads early around the equinox when I drove to Monticello on Thursday morning at sunrise. It is also unpleasant driving on some of the roads because of all the potholes. SR 114 is one of those roads with a lot of potholes.

I have driven past the Rose Acre chicken farm west of Monon several time recently and noticed that workers were repairing one of the roofs. It appeared that the roof might have been damaged by the winter weather.

At Fair Oaks Farms rapid change is evident in the new restaurant building. Someone told me that work was being done seven days a week. Also, stakes are up for the Pork Education Center.

I saw my first flower and first butterfly on Friday, but neither was in Rensselaer.

The Republican reported that the Rensselaer Central School Board has offered to continue leasing Staddon Field to the city Park Department for a nominal fee for this summer, so ball games will be held there.

The street cleaner is out and about sweeping up all the stuff left by the melted snow banks.

At Saint Joseph's College scaffolding is going up around the east bell tower. The scaffolding that was around the west bell tower last fall is now gone. Also, work is being done to repair drainage tiles at Halleck Center. Broken tiles resulted in flooding in the basement.
 Finally, GRG Repair will be opening soon in the gas station north of Jordan Floral on College Avenue. The gas pumps have been removed, so it appears that the new business will be only a repair shop.
 Update: Pictures added.)

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