Thursday, March 20, 2014

Shopping for bargains (updated)

I stopped by Jasper Junction this morning on the way to the Lenten Luncheon at the Brushwood Methodist Church. The store has been reorganized, with some of the booths in the north half eliminated and replaced with thrift store items. When I stopped by in December I thought it was very poorly organized. Now that the reorganization has been completed, it looks much better. If you have not been there in a while, you might be surprised at how different it looks.
There are still booths along the walls, but not in the center.

This weekend will feature the twenty seventh annual Birthright rummage sale--the first one was held in Brookside Park but after two or three years there it moved to the basement of St. Augustine's Church. This year the church basement looks a lot different--Saint Augustine is re-doing its basement and is in the demolition stage. Below you can see what the sale looks like at the start of the set-up. Friday morning those tables should be full of stuff.
Whatever does not sell at this sale is taken to Jasper Junction. The good stuff will go on their racks and the stuff that is not in good condition will be bailed and sold in bulk. Nothing goes to waste.

Update: I meant to post a picture after the sale set up but I had to leave town for a few days and was away from the computer that had the picture below:
From the reports I heard, the sale went well.

1 comment:

  1. JJ does look much better; will have to visit. Family has come up from Lafayette to be "almost" first in line at Birthright's sale. Thanks for pics of both places.


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