Wednesday, July 16, 2014

More Pictures from the Jasper County Fair

In the last post I had a picture of two tractors that were constructed from cylindrical objects. The were not shotgun shells. Here is a closer look. Can you tell now what the building blocks of the tractors were?
 One of the items that popped up at the City Council meeting and that I forgot to mention is that this year there will be no National Night Out.

An ongoing activity at the fair is livestock judging. Here is a picture from the barrow judging that took place on Monday.
There are lots and lots of animals, including some very strange looking chickens.
On Tuesday night the Free Stage hosted Cook and Belle and the grandstand had racing motorcross.
 In the retired iron barn kids got to do something that is rare today but a century ago was commonplace--working a water pump. They will grow up not really understanding the phrase, "Priming the pump."
 There are lots of things for younger fair goers, such as face painting and junior deputy badges.
 As the sun set, the threshing demonstration was shutting down. This was a marvel in its day, but is not so completely obsolete that it is a demonstration of almost forgotten technology. A repeat performance is schedule for Wednesday night.
For more pictures from the fair, see the Facebook page of the Jasper County Fair Association. Some pictures from the Newton County Fair can be found on their Facebook page.

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