Monday, August 17, 2015

Pictures from Sunday

On Sunday morning I biked out Sparling Avenue and noticed that the SJC football players were having a practice. Perhaps they were out early to avoid the heat and humidity that came later in the day. I also noticed the bench that the Youth Center had obtained for collecting 400 pounds of bottle caps. (I believe that if another group wants a similar bench, they can get it by collecting another 400 pounds.)
The reason I was out on a bike was that I wanted to check out the newly paved Gasper Drive that I had noticed late on Saturday. It looks great. It was still stone on Thursday morning.
 There is still some work that has to be done to clean up things. I hope that work includes filling in around the fire hydrant.
 It has been a while since I posted a picture of the quarry. The water has risen a lot since the end of May.
 The holding lot has more stone on it. Someone who knows about the quarry told me that the stone was for road work on US 231 and SR 16. He also said that the closing of the quarry might not be final. There was a chance that it might be reopened.  If it ever is,  it will take a long time to pump out all the water.
 On the topic of water, Sunday was the final day that the LaRue Pool was open. The heat and humidity brought out a lot of people, though by the time I took this picture, about an hour before closing, most had left.
 The new roof on the First Christian Church is almost finished.
That is about it except to note that the railroad crossing on Cullen Street remains closed.


  1. As always, THANK YOU for giving us a glimpse of the things we should and could be seeing for ourselves......if we took the time!.....


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