Thursday, February 2, 2017

Slow week

There has not been a lot happening in Rensselaer that I have seen, though there are some interesting things in the area. Iowa Pacific will soon cease operating the Hoosier State and it will be taken over by Amtrak. (See here.) A manure plant is being constructed at Fair Oaks Farms. (See here. It even made Yahoo news.) (For a summary of what else is happening at Fair Oaks Farms, see here.) The Magnetation plant at Reynolds may soon reopen under new ownership. (See here and here.)

Here are a few updates to things recently mentioned.

A lot of progress has been made on the Elza Street apartments.
 A few weeks ago large, circular metal pieces were delivered to the construction site on Lincoln.
 This week they were assembled into a cylinder. I am not sure where that will go--perhaps into the large concrete cylinder.
 Tree cutting and trimming around town continues. The trees on the south east edge of Weston Cemetery are now just stumps.
 I could not resist taking a picture of the many geese in the Babcock Quarry. I think my presence disturbed them because after I took the picture, they all moved to the west.
The part of the former Fashion Bug that is being remodeled is the north part. The wall separating it from the rest of the space is finished and the new space is being divided up into small offices.

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