Monday, July 15, 2019

Rensselaer murals: finished?

I saw no mural work on Sunday and if the murals are not finished, they are almost finished for this year. Below you can see the view from SR 114 as a driver approaches the stoplight on Washington Street.
 Below is a closer view the finished mural. The artist signed it late on Saturday afternoon.
 Cameron Moberg was still working on his sea turtle on Saturday afternoon but it was signed by Sunday morning.
 The birds in the alley look like they are completed but I could not find a signature. I am curious to know what the artist calls this painting of what appears to be hawks around a dove. War and Peace? Hungry Birds? Hawks Have to Eat Too? Life Can Be Unfair?
 The lifts were idle and collected together on Sunday.
There are a lot of people who view the murals by driving through the alleys. A walk through the alley gives one a better view of what is there. It is easy to miss some of them from the car.

There was one more mural that was planned a few days ago but apparently the artist did not show.

I heard a story on the memorial under the bridge, and if I have details wrong, correct me in the comments. I do not know who GG was, but apparently he died several months ago. His family could not afford much in the way of burial and funeral, so some of his friends created an impromptu memorial with graffiti under the bridge. They were upset when the City cleaned the wall to get ready for RENARTWLK. When Cameron Moberg heard about their feelings, he decided to recreate their memorial, but much more artistically.  The friends were overjoyed.

Here are the instagram pages of the six artists who have done murals this year.

Andre “Cobre” Iglesias - @cobreart
Emily Ding - @_emilyding
Cameron “CAMER1” Moberg - @camer1sf
Jenna Morello - @jennamorello
Chris Chanyang Shim “ROYYAL DOG” - @royyaldog
Mitchell Schuring - @metabyte

Here are the previous blog posts I have done on the murals:
Murals on the 4th of July
Murals, day two
Murals day three
Murals day four and Cruise Night
Rensselaer murals, mostly finished
Murals, day six and meetings
RENARTWLK day seven
Rensselaer Art Walk Day 10

Fendig Summer Theater had its performances of The Hunchback of Notre Dame last week.

Rensselaer received about three inches of rain from dusk on Saturday until dusk on Sunday. The storm during the night had hail and knocked a lot of leaves from the trees. It continues to be a very wet year.

Update: Here are some more posts about murals:
Busy Tuesday: murals, rails, bugs, and more
Paint, spikes, and water
Ribbon cutting and more
The fair, some art, and the railroad
County Fair finished, muralists continue
Another post on murals

And here is a link to an additional artist:
Shawn Bullen & @shawnbullen1

Here is the webpage for RENARTWLK:

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