I prepared this post before Christmas. Rensselaer had a severe windstorm after Christmas that knocked the top off one of the two eastern hemlocks in Weston Cemetery. Here is all that is left of it.

Unofficial website of Memories Alive at Weston Cemetery (Weston Cemetery Walk)
Unofficial Art Tour of Rensselaer
The official website of the City of Rensselaer: http://www.cityofrensselaerin.com/
The Rensselaer branch of the the Jasper County Library offers many programs. Their calendar is at: http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsCalendar.cfm?SiteID=8102
The water flow in the Iroquois River is measured east of Rensselaer by the USGS at: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/in/nwis/uv?sit
https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=509&LayerID=7887&PageTypeID=2&PageID=3844 Who owns what and where in Jasper County.
Weather, Rensselaer and area.
City of Rensselaer; Minutes of City Council, Park Board, Board of Public Works and Safety
Jasper County Government Document CenterRensselaer Central School Board Minutes (called Board Bits)