Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Changes around town

I had heard a rumor a couple weeks ago that Devon's Doghouse was relocating to the old unfinished furniture store downtown, and today I noticed signs confirming that move.
I wonder if they will make a showing at the Taste of Rensselaer and at Cruise Night.Also downtown, the renovations of the Lafayette Bank and Trust continue and should be done soon. Another rumor I heard was that the bank will use only the renovated part of the building. I heard a possibility for the part that they are currently using and I hope it turns out to be correct.
I took these shots through the front windows.
Work on installation of new air-conditioning equipment continues at the court house. Today they had a lift helping. (I do not know what the correct name for this machine is).
Early in the morning it was on the sourth side, and a bit later was on the north side. Still later I could not see it as we drove by.
On the east side of town I did see a big crane lifting something to the roof of the high school.
Also at the high school, the swimming pool area is undergoing major repair. The bricks are off the face of the building.
And there is a deep trench around the base.
I have been out of town and/or improving my babysitting skills for the past week, so I may be missing some other interesting changes.


  1. You were really busy for one day. That is news about the Dog House. Also, you need to show some photos of the grandchild you are taking care of.

  2. Anna is a little girl who had neuroblastoma. They started a bike rally to raise money for the cause. She has since passed away, but her short life made a huge impact on many. They are still having the annual bike rally to continue to raise money for research.

  3. Anna would be 14 this year. She is the same age as my daughter. They played together when they were very young when she was visiting her Bauman grandparents.

  4. The pictures of the crane at RCHS are not for the swimming pool, but the energy savings project currently under way. The crane was lifting in the new air handlers that came in thirds. I believe there were nine pieces in all that were hoisted in the penthouse near the south side of the large lecture hall.


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