Monday, December 7, 2009


The construction site at the high school has been largely dismantled. On Saturday there was still a bit of landscaping or cleaning up from landscaping going on, but the project itself seems completed. The last post on this project was here.

Melville Street is open for traffic and all the construction gear has been removed. The street still needs a finishing layer of asphalt, but that will probably not come until the warmer weather of spring. You can see the problem that the change in street level creates near the railroad tracks in the picture below..
The closing of Morning Song was reported here and the interest that the city had in the building here. The building now has a sold sign on it. Did the city buy it?
Checking to see if I could find any information about the city's interest in this building, I noticed that the web site looks different. I also found this on the list of city projects:
Web Page Renovation and update project - In Process

By the way, I think this is my 500th post of 2009. I never thought I would do that many in one year.

Update: This morning I asked a city worker near the building if the city had purchased the building, and he said that it had been purchased by the gas department.

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