Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Open house

On Sunday we visited the Sayler Open House at Sunset Ridge. I did not expect to post anything else on this, but then I saw the plans for the community building, and I started wondering if maybe another post might be possible. These plans, by the way, were slightly different from the plans in the handout they had available.
(Sorry about clipping off the bottom. The camera I had with me has a broken display, so I cannot see what I shot until I download the photos to the computer.)

There was a terrific turnout at the open house. Either a lot of people are thinking of moving, or a lot of people just enjoy going to open houses. Which reminds me of one of the things I would like to see--an open house tour of local churches.

Then I saw something that I knew deserved a picture. The ladder to the attic in one of the garages was down, and how many of the people there would actually climb up to see what was up there?
If you missed your opportunity, here is what you saw looking back in toward the house.
And below is what you saw looking out toward the street. Even though the attic was new, it had the smell and warm feel of an attic. Maybe there is no new-attic smell and feel.
I must not have read the ad in the paper carefully because as we were finishing our poking around, we learned that there was also an open house at the new house next to the highway at Countryside. So we were off to visit it as well.
This house was built hoping that the tax credit would entice a buyer. So far it has not. (One of the two condos at Sunset Ridge is being purchased.) I was surprised that it was not completely finished because construction began long ago.

One of the challenges of designing this house is that it is at the entrance to Countryside, quite near the highway and there are roads on two other sides, with a pond on the fourth side. Ideally the garage would face the highway, but that would lead to a very long driveway, so the garage faced away from the highway. Instead the three bedrooms face the highway. One of them also has a view of the little pond.
Below is the view from the living room to the east. You can see the Countryside entrance. You can also see, if you click on the picture to get a larger view, two buildings that have been shown previously on this blog. In the rightmost pane is Kirby Risk, and at the left side of the middle pane is a new house at the end of Vine that is now occupied.
I heard at this open house that next weekend the Building Trades will have an open house for their house on Warner. I will update if I learn more.

Update: The Building Trades open house is this weekend, May 22-23 from 1-4pm. The address is 407 Warner.

1 comment:

  1. Our Catholic churches in Indy open up for Epiphany (Three Kings Day) so that everyone can tour the Nativity Scenes. Everyone is always welcome to masses and other services, but this is an opportunity to come and go as you please without fear of disturbing anyone. It would be neat to make this interdenominational.


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