Monday, October 3, 2011

SJC Homecoming and Oktoberfest

This past weekend had a couple of big events, the SJC Homecoming and MainStreet Rensselaer's Oktoberfest. The Homecoming event I really wanted to go to, a tour of the some of the windmills that are on the Waugh property in White County that benefits SJC, was sold out when I tried to make a reservation several weeks ago. If SJC offers it next year, I will try to sign up early. I did get to a bit of the football game. While I was there, the visiting team, Robert Morris, was making more yards on penalties than any other way. A check of the game stats shows that my impression was not far off; SJC was penalized 14 times for 137 yards, Robert Morris gained 124 net yards rushing and 99 passing. Both team passed a lot, so the game moved very slowly. SJC did pull out the win 35-27, coming from behind in the second half.
As halftime approached, the band got ready with some sort of exercise that looked more interesting that what I could see on the football field.
The halftime performance featured the percussionists playing trash cans.
There are special activities for homecoming, such as this inflatable slide and a climbing wall.
Of course there is also the traditional beer and brat tent. I wandered around looking for people I knew and found a few, including one of my favorite students from several years ago. She is now in Chicago working and trying to find work as an actress. She said she has done some commercials and indie films, especially horror films. Here is her website; if you click on reels you can see some demos of her work.

As I was leaving I noticed that a fuel tank has joined the generator outside the Core Building. (The Hicks Gas tank has been there for years--it provides gas to a science lab.) I suspect that these will be fenced soon, and hopefully hidden in some way because they are not attractive where they are. I think the point of the generator is to provide emergency power for computer servers in the building so that the network does not go down with a power outage. I could be wrong about that.
The other thing that caught my eye was I was leaving is that the lighting that was being installed as the school year approached seems to be complete.
Saturday evening was time to go downtown to see what was happening at Oktoberfest, a fundraiser for Rensselaer Mainstreet. It was chilly, but this year there was no rain. The turnout seemed about normal.
The musical entertainment for for those who arrived early was the Oktubas. I do not think this group exists other than to play for this event, but they both fit the event very well and play well. For those who arrive later, the music, which was louder and less Germanic, was provided by the local band Suckerpunch.
Food was provided by City Office and Pub, Clauss Bakery and Cafe, The Doghouse, and the Eagles. Below you can see the Clauss Bakery booth.
The event changes as the evening goes along. The people who come early usually are interested in eating and talking, with the music in the background and entertainment for young kids. For the people who come later, the music plays a larger part in the experience because it is much louder and the beer garden gets more crowded.

1 comment:

  1. The Oktubas don't really exist outside of the Oktoberfest, you're right!! But they do perform superbly, considering 2 of them are band teachers (1 of which went to IU music school) and 1 is a tuba performance major at IU--the group can sound pretty impressive!! I don't know where else there might be a calling for them in the area, but they really should get together and play more often.


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