The second item was a discussion of a proposed change to the UDO regarding setbacks for CAFOs. It was tabled for next month's meeting. The third item was approval of a six-lot subdivision in the northern part of the County that will be adjacent to the Wolf Creek subdivision. The land was originally approved for a subdivision of 30-35 lots but the current owners think it would work better with fewer but much larger lots. The Drainage Board has already given its approval for the project. One neighbor expressed concern about what might be built there. She was concerned that if a small, cheap house was put next to hers, it would lower her property value. The owners of the land were willing to consider a covenant with restrictions on the size of the house that could be built. This subdivision was approved.
The river has been receding. Below is Potawatomi Park on Sunday or Monday. The bench that was almost covered is not mostly above water.
On Tuesday the water has receded from most of the sidewalk.
The bench acted as a strainer for the water running through it and is left with a lot of debris.
On Tuesday the water was several feet below the bottom of the Washington Street Bridge.
I heard from and about a number of people who did not have power, heat, and/or hot water. There were a few who had to move out of their homes. Hopefully their lives are returning to normal.
Left behind are a lot of potholes. This one is on Grace Street.
Finally, the about .3 inches of rain that we got last night does not seem to have had a significant effect on the river, as it keeps falling. It should drop below flood stage sometime today or tonight. Here is the graph: