Saturday, October 31, 2009
State Cross Country
Also in cross country news, Naza Sanchez, a Rensselaer high school graduate who is running for St. Joes, finished 6th in the conference meet and won All-Conference honors, the first male cross country runner from SJC to do so.
Update: According to the Rensselaer Republican article, Tri County was the first girls cross country team from a 1A to make it to the state finals since 1981, the first year that a state finals for girls cross country was held. Those who want to have a class system for cross country, separating the big schools from the small schools, have seen their cause set back by twenty years.
Here is a website with information about past state contenders.
Another update: A blog at the Journal and Courier notes the enrollments of the schools with teams in the girls cross country finals. Tri-County has 268 students. The next smallest, West Noble, has 664. Three other schools have less than 1000 enrollment: Heritage Hills, Culver Academies, and Evansville Memorial. Ten have over 2000 students.
Happy Halloween
Halloween seems to inspire people to decorate their lawns and steps. Only Christmas inspires people to decorate their houses more. Rensselaer has many inflatable decorations, but few as big and gaudy as the one below.

A few years ago a daughter-in-law who worked for the state DNR had the job of judging the Halloween decorations and costumes at the campgrounds at Prophetstown State Park near Lafayette. We went down to visit and see what she was doing, and were introduced to a whole different way of celebrating Halloween. The campground there and in the other state parks was full of campers who make this a yearly outing. A couple of the campers had displays that dwarf anything that I have seen around Rensselaer. Afterward we enjoyed a roaring campfire and smores. I took only a few pictures, and none of the displays. Perhaps some slow day I will find them an do a post on Halloween in the state park campground. It is a reminder of how many little social worlds are exist in our country.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Finishing the runway

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Shopping at Dreamers Solution

The store specializes in guitar and and guitar accessories. It had a large inventory.

As I was leaving, the guitar below caught my attention. Wasn't a hole necessary to get the proper sound from the guitar?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
In memory of Morning Song

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Installing a drain box

Monday, October 26, 2009
Mystery construction

Update Oct 28: Someone told me that it would be a pawn shop or something similar to a pawn shop.
The fading farmers' market


Sunday, October 25, 2009
Remington's churches: United Methodist
The Remington United Methodist Church is located at 121 S Ohio St Remington, IN 47977. It is not listed in the "Church Services Directory" in the Rensselaer Republican. and not much information about it is given in the site. It has Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM.
More information about his church can be found on the webpages of the North Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. The church had a website here but it seems to have been abandoned. Information and links for the United Methodists were given in the post for Trinity United Methodist Church in Rensselaer.

The pages of the North Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church lists six United Methodist congregations in Jasper County. Given the impressive size of the buildings both in Rensselaer and Remington in addition to these numbers, and it is clear that the Methodists were probably had more members in Jasper County than any other denomination in the late 19th and early 20th century. I doubt if that is still true.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cross country semi-state
However, congratulations are in order for the girls from Tri-County. They finished sixth and qualify for the state meet along with Crown Point, Lake Central, Portage, Valparaiso, and Culver Academies.. The even managed to place ahead of the two teams that beat them at the regionals, Harrison and West Lafayette. And it was not close--they scored 186 points, while the seventh team, Munster, had 215.
If you have watched a bit of cross country, you should realize just how impressive Tri-County's sixth place finish is. In the past small schools sometimes may have made it to the state meet from the southern semi-state, which is the weakest in the state. But they did not from the New Prairie semistate. West Lafayette and Kankakee Valley are considered small schools in the sport of cross-country, but they are giants compared to Tri-County.
It would be interesting to know how many public schools as small as Tri-County have ever managed to qualify a team for the state meet.
Results can be found from here. had predicted 8th place finishes for both teams.
Update: Tri-County caught a break. The number one runner for Chesterton did not wear her timing bracelet, so she was disqualified. If she had not been disqualified, Chesterton would have been sixth and Tri-County seventh.
Update 2: The Rensselaer Republican reported in its Monday edition that Tri-County missed a trip to state by finishing sixth. Their report is wrong. A few years ago only the top five teams went. But now the top six from each semi-state go. Last year the Kankakee Valley girls team made it to state by finishing sixth in the New Prairie semi-state and ended up 23 of 24 at the state meet. It will be interesting to see if Tri-County will do better. By the way, the lane assignments and rosters were up Monday. (They have to get the information in early to print the programs.) Tri-County has lane six. Check the IHSAA tournament site, linked above.
Update 3: From the Post Tribune:
Tony Salvadore used to run for Tri-County, and I think he also ran for SJC.If the Crown Point girls and Chesterton boys, who won by more than 80 points, were the dominant squad of the semistate, Tri-County could have been the feel good squad.
Approximately 125 girls from Remington, Wolcott and parts of Benton County make up the female enrollment of Tri-County High School. Six of them run cross country for the Cavaliers. After Saturday they will be representing their school at the state championship in Terre Haute on Saturday after finishing sixth at New Prairie.
"We knew we had an outside shot of making it," Tri-County coach Tony Salvadore said. "Everybody came to run today. These girls know how to run with the big dogs. And if you ask any one of the six, they'll all tell you they don't want cross country to ever go to a class system."
Fall guys (updated)

(About two weeks ago the leaves started turning color. Peak color seems to have occurred this past week when it was cloudy and rainy.)
Update: I stopped by Sears to see for their grand re-opening. The new owners live several blocks down the street from me and have owned it for about two months. There was a period in which Sears was managing the store before they were able to assume command. One interesting bit from the conversation: Sears sets all prices. The store own has no control over price. Is the the norm in franchising?
An now for something completely different. I noticed that the Morningsong Birdseed building had been unusually quiet for the past week or two. Today's Rensselaer Republican mentioned that the company is gone and that the Rensselaer City Gas utility would like to buy the building. Does anyone know what happened? Was it a result of the bad economy? Bird seed is one of those things that people might stop buying when money is tight.